Tuesday 28 January 2020

Running is about Self study, Svadhaya.

In this potpourri of ideas, called a yoga blog I  now introduce a yoga term 'Svadhaya' which translated for these purposes to Self-study (it is one of the Nyama's as mentioned in blog 1, more on these later), please note the capital 'S'. In India, the Self is more directly linked to the recognition of Brahman . However, the study of Self also intertwines the deeper and more refined aspects of Yoga.

Yoga mind is running mind
The other key point is that you don't DO Yoga as some people seem to imagine, you are IN yoga; this is a really interesting point, Yoga is a state of mind not simply a practice on the mat. The practise on the mat should refine and amplify the mental, physical and breathing practice to carry with you away from the mat. This move to the Yoga state of mind is THE point.

I think we are getting a little carried away with all things mat-based and physical, although we, as runners love the physical we can and do, get too attached to the pursuance of Instagram yoga and the image. "I need to look like this, be like this and move like this...." In my yoga teaching the focus is on the internal practice, self-care, self-massage of the body, and always a practice of pranayama (breathing ) and finally relaxation, Savasana. We can play with our edge in the physical postures I think it is good to do so, it does need concentration and focus, all key points of being IN Yoga.

Running can also have these qualities of Self study, you, running by yourself, outside, alone, sensing and feeling your responses as you move in time and over the ground. the heightened sensation of your breath can be studied. Listen to the breath, note your emotional shift, there is that hill again, coming at you! The in the moment study of you can be extended over the year and how your Self shifts in approach. You can note your mind as you sign up to an event, the sense of Raja's mind as you shift in energy, the surge of excitement and then the writing down some running plan to follow.

Runners though as we know might just DO the run, it NEEDS to happen, the PLAN suggests it, but remember that word Boddhi Yoga, the yoga of awareness. How many times do you hear 'listen to your bodies, the inner sense of the Self, is there for sure?  Ths growing awareness does have stages. The awareness of the Self begins with the physical, then moves to the breath as you run in a balanced way. Hence, for runners with some running knowledge, run in a way that makes breathing easy, as my yoga teacher stresses, 'easy asana, pleasant pranayama' or for us, easy running and pleasant breathing (nasal). This is the aerobic training pace, and for those training for half marathons or more this running is over 80% of you running. As you become aware of your body and breath growing awareness can focus on the mind as it moves between the three states of mind (the Guna's).

Running is a great tool for Self study, If you have not tried this, next time you pop out for a run, ask yourself after the run 'where was your mind?' transformation can only begin with an awareness of our actions and thoughts.
This takes some constant practice(Abhyasa) and non-attachment (Vairaghya) to your actions and achievements.
Enjoy your Self study!

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