Friday 12 October 2018

strong cables, weak threads

The things you value the most might not be so apparent. These strong cables hold us down, keep us supported, keep us strong and just like a tree allow us to move when the winds blow. They give when we give, we are not inflexible and unyielding we are the 'soft animal' that Mary Oliver describes in her poem Wild Geese. 

Yet, we can latch onto 'things' and other stuff. These are the temporary threads that excite us momentarily, they make us feel grounded, just like the cables but their effect is only short lived. 

The plate is the only concrete item left that reminds me of my Father who died in 2007. It reminds me of who I am, half Greek, the times I had with my family and perhaps the shadows of another culture and genetic background. I am attached to this object. Is it really a cable or a thread, if it broke, or was lost would I really drift into the night? 

Take your attention to the things you value and ask yourself 'why do I value this item or even this person', yes it also applies to people. De-cluttering is on trend and is a great idea. 

I was coaching an Indian chap a few years ago and he ended the session with a great quote that I always use 'all you need is warm lodgings and good food with people you love' I like that:) 


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