Monday 20 June 2016

Reflections of a coach, teacher and educator 1

What have I learnt so far? That is a deep question isn't it? There are things you learn that apparently skim the surface but only come back to hit you between the eyes, years down the line. There are other lessons that have an immediate impact, shake your roots and foundations of belief and ideology. There are other ideas that you do need to sit and think on. Let us say for about 25 years and counting!

Lesson 1  Context is everything

Setting up the conditions to learn are as important as the content.  What do we mean by conditions? Context is everything and the student needs to hear a deep appreciation of their own context, needs and a reflection of the direction they wish to go.  Basically, they need to feel understood. By achieving this the coach is in a far better position to offer suggestions and possible directions for the student to experiment in the session and also, have the confidence to give it a go and practice away from the session.

Lesson 2 A practice mind is different 

A practice mind has a different root. It is an 'in the moment mind', a 'one-pointed mind', a 'beginner's mind'. Or as the Zen Buddhists say 'shoshin'. This beginners mind is not a simple state of forgetting all one has practised but a statement as to how we all need to keep things fresh every time we do practice. We are always open to suggestions, experiences and feelings. Not clouded by judgement or arrogant thoughts. 

Practice with precision, do not count but practice awareness and heighten the sensation of connective experiences.