Saturday 14 March 2020

'life live'

 In this very short post I consider 'life live'.

Do we really live in the moment? Consider most of the time our minds are reaching for future or previous actions/moments and play endless movies in our minds. This constant busy state of our mind (lost in thought) is Vrtti in Sanskrit. We can get lost in the movies that play constantly in our mind even when running or when practising yoga. How often can we sense our minds drifting off when practising, checking into actions and thoughts?

Learning to check in to the here and now is a skill that needs to be practised. As Erich Schiffman stresses he goes for 'life live' not life previously, or future but here right now, right under you as you run and breath. Being in the moment living life live is enjoying every second of existence. 

Yoga practice is not about the shapes on the mat but about controlling the rapid motion of your thoughts (different and uncontrolled directions) to some focus and steady gaze and direction. You become the seer of the mind not in the river of consciousness and thought but sitting on the bank of the river controlling the steady flow of mind.

As some of you know a meditation practice is a key part of our retreats and practice, here actionless action can begin. On the outside, nothing is happening, but on the inside, the reins of our mind are being brought under control by skilful action ( Most of you know this feeling and have felt it when IN your running, completely present, step by step. It is entirely attainable if you live LIFE LIVE,