Saturday 11 August 2012

improve by 1%

We can all improve every aspect of our lives! It can, however, feel so daunting to be asked to improve, and anyway what does it all really mean?

'Why should I improve? I am happy who I am, content living in the mainstream and no sense of dread, unhappiness, life is good for me! I earn well, have a good life and give generously, no-body has really complained about me :) .'

 In this context what is improvement??  I think we can answer this by looking at one of the key core principles of chi running namely a practice orientated approach. In Matthew Syed's book 'BOUNCE' he uses a key phrase namely 'purposeful practice'.

The  key issue with a practice is a sense of progress and improvement no matter how small.  Descarte uses the term 'soft machine' as a description of the human system;  this is entirely true as we are an organic and, sadly, dying animal that needs to constantly look at the working of our machine and apply changes such as feeding, exercise, cognitive and emotional inputs  to ensure our system is in balance.

So if we do not focus on improving our lives then perhaps we fall into emotional, physical and cognitive entropy. That is, we simply fall apart and use less and less of our internal systems and end up existing in the basic sense.

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